PoE Farming Voices in Delirium – Path of Exile

PoE Farming Voices in Delirium

  • The first 15 Waves have been removed from the Simulacrum. Usually, characters reaching this content were a high enough level that the first waves were tedious and unrewarding.
  • We’ve also added more opportunities to obtain specific Unique Items, such as Voices, by defeating the Bosses as you complete Waves.

AI Guides

This is a message for experienced players of Path of Exile (PoE) who like a challenge called the Simulacrum. There are some exciting updates to make your runs faster and more rewarding!

Skipping the Easy Parts: The first 15 waves of the Simulacrum have been removed. These waves were often too easy for strong characters, so you can now jump right into the tougher fights.

More Unique Loot: Defeating bosses in the Simulacrum now has a higher chance of rewarding you with special items called "Voices." These are powerful and rare, so get ready to find more of them!

Good Luck in the Simulacrum! We hope you enjoy the faster pace and increased chance of getting awesome loot in the Simulacrum!

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