(Elusive initially grants 15% chance to Avoid All Damage from Hits, and 30% increased Movement Speed. The buff reduces its effect over time, removing itself at 0% effect. If you already have an Elusive buff, you cannot gain Elusive)
Incorporeal is a notable passive skill in Path of Exile, designed to significantly improve the effectiveness and duration of the Elusive buff.
Elusive Reduction Rate: Elusive on you reduces in effect 50% slower.
Elusive Removal: Elusive is removed from you at 20% effect.
Elusive Buff: Initially grants a 15% chance to avoid all damage from hits and a 30% increased movement speed. This buff reduces its effect over time until it reaches 0%.
Enhanced Duration: With Incorporeal, the reduction in Elusive’s effect is significantly slowed, allowing the buff to last longer.
Endurance: The Elusive buff remains until it drops to 20% effect, providing sustained defensive and speed benefits.
Sustained Defense: Improved duration of the Elusive buff helps in avoiding damage over a longer period.
Enhanced Mobility: Longer-lasting increased movement speed aids in both offensive and defensive maneuvers.
Ideal Builds
Evasion/Dodge Builds: Best suited for characters that rely on evasion and dodge mechanics.
High Mobility Builds: Ideal for builds that require high mobility to avoid damage and reposition quickly in combat.
Incorporeal is an excellent choice for players looking to maximize the effectiveness and duration of the Elusive buff, enhancing both defensive capabilities and mobility. This passive skill is particularly beneficial for evasion and dodge-focused builds.