PoE 2 Deep Freeze – Path of Exile 2

PoE 2 Deep Freeze

It is a Support Gem.

Tier: 1
Cost Multiplier: 120%
Requires: Level 1
Support Reqirements: +5 Int

Supports any skill that hits enemies, causing Freeze it inflicts to last longer.

  • Supported Skills have 50% increased Freeze Duration on Enemies

Place into a Skill’s Support Gem socket in the Skills menu to apply its effects to that Skill. You cannot have multiple copies of the same Support Gem socketed at the same time.

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The Deep Freeze Support Gem is a Tier 1 support gem in Path of Exile 2 that enhances the Freeze effect of skills that hit enemies. By increasing the Freeze duration, this gem makes it more difficult for enemies to recover from being frozen, allowing players to maintain better control over the battlefield. If you are building around Cold Damage and Freeze mechanics, the Deep Freeze Support Gem can significantly increase the effectiveness of your Freeze debuff, making it an essential tool for many Cold-based builds.

Gem Details

  • Category: Support
  • Type: Cold
  • Required Level: 1
  • Support Requirements: +5 Intelligence
  • Tier: 1
  • Cost Multiplier: 120%
  • Effect:
    • Supported Skills have 50% increased Freeze Duration on enemies.

How Deep Freeze Works

The Deep Freeze Support Gem increases the duration of the Freeze effect caused by skills supported by this gem. When you hit an enemy with a Cold-based attack or spell, the Freeze debuff will last 50% longer than usual. This makes it easier to control enemies by keeping them frozen for an extended period, preventing them from taking action and providing you with more opportunities to deal damage or position yourself effectively.

  • Increased Freeze Duration:
    The 50% increased Freeze duration ensures that enemies who are frozen by supported skills will remain frozen for a longer period, giving you more time to act before they thaw out and become a threat again. This is especially useful for Cold-based builds that rely on Freeze for crowd control and damage mitigation.

Ideal Builds for Deep Freeze

  1. Cold Damage Builds:
    If you are using Cold-based skills such as Frostbolt, Glacial Cascade, or Ice Spear, the Deep Freeze Support Gem works seamlessly to improve the duration of the Freeze effect. By keeping enemies frozen longer, you can prevent them from attacking or moving, making it easier to set up your next attack or escape dangerous situations.

  2. Freeze and Shatter Builds:
    Freeze and Shatter builds, which focus on Freezing enemies and then shattering them for added damage, will greatly benefit from Deep Freeze. The extended Freeze duration allows you to shatter enemies with greater precision, ensuring that you have enough time to deal the finishing blow and take advantage of the Shatter mechanic.

  3. Crowd Control Focused Builds:
    For builds that prioritize crowd control through Freeze, Deep Freeze is an essential gem. It enhances your ability to lock down groups of enemies and prevent them from acting, giving you more control over the flow of combat. This is ideal for players who prefer to avoid taking damage while methodically eliminating enemies.

  4. Defensive Builds:
    If you’re playing a tank-oriented build that uses Cold damage for defensive control, Deep Freeze increases your survivability by keeping enemies frozen for longer periods. The longer the Freeze, the less likely enemies are to engage with you, allowing you to focus on tanking damage without worrying about being overwhelmed.

Benefits of Deep Freeze

  1. Extended Freeze Control:
    The primary benefit of the Deep Freeze Support Gem is the 50% increased Freeze duration. This makes it much easier to control enemies and prevent them from reacting to your attacks. Whether you’re dealing with bosses, elite enemies, or crowds, the extended Freeze duration allows you to manage combat more effectively.

  2. Synergy with Cold Builds:
    If your build revolves around Cold damage or Freeze mechanics, Deep Freeze is a must-have. It boosts your ability to Freeze enemies and hold them in place for longer, enabling you to deal sustained damage while keeping them from retaliating. It’s a perfect fit for Cold-based spellcasters or Cold attack builds.

  3. Crowd Control:
    For players focusing on crowd control, Deep Freeze significantly enhances your ability to lock down large groups of enemies. The longer enemies stay Frozen, the more time you have to take them out or reposition yourself, minimizing the risk of being overwhelmed by multiple enemies.

  4. Increased Survival:
    The increased Freeze duration ensures that you can freeze enemies and prevent them from attacking you for a longer period. This is invaluable for defensive playstyles where avoiding damage is just as important as dealing it. With Deep Freeze, you can freeze incoming threats for longer, giving you more breathing room to heal or manage your defense.

Drawbacks of Deep Freeze

  1. Focus on Freeze Duration Over Damage:
    While Deep Freeze enhances Freeze duration, it does not increase your Cold damage output. If your build is heavily focused on maximizing damage, this gem may not provide as much value compared to other Cold damage-enhancing support gems.

  2. Requires Cold Damage:
    Deep Freeze only works with Cold damage skills, so it’s not suitable for builds that do not utilize Cold-based attacks or spells. If you’re playing a non-Cold damage build, this gem will not provide any benefit to you.

  3. Limited Impact on Bosses:
    Some bosses may have immunity to Freeze or very high Cold resistance, which could reduce the effectiveness of Deep Freeze in certain encounters. If you’re dealing with enemies that cannot be Frozen, this gem will not have any impact.

Gameplay Tips for Deep Freeze

  1. Combine with Freeze-Centric Skills:
    To make the most of Deep Freeze, pair it with skills that naturally Freeze enemies, such as Frostbolt, Ice Spear, Cold Snap, or Glacial Cascade. These skills will benefit most from the increased Freeze duration, allowing you to freeze enemies for longer and maintain control over them.

  2. Maximize Freeze Efficiency:
    Use Deep Freeze in combination with other Cold damage modifiers, such as those that increase your Cold Damage or Chance to Freeze. This synergy will not only increase the chance of Freezing enemies but also ensure that the Freeze lasts longer, giving you more time to handle threats.

  3. Use with Crowd Control Builds:
    If you’re building around crowd control and Freezing enemies to disable them, Deep Freeze will be an excellent addition to your arsenal. The extended Freeze duration gives you more time to neutralize multiple enemies, making it easier to take on large packs or bosses.

  4. Pair with Cold Duration Nodes:
    Consider taking Cold or Freeze duration-related passives from the passive skill tree or items to stack additional Freeze duration with the Deep Freeze gem. This can make you an even more formidable force of Cold control.


The Deep Freeze Support Gem is a valuable addition for any Cold-based build that relies on Freeze mechanics for crowd control and defensive strategies. With 50% increased Freeze duration, this gem enhances your ability to freeze enemies and keep them locked down for longer periods, offering greater control over the battlefield. Whether you’re playing a Cold damage build, a Freeze and Shatter build, or simply aiming to enhance your crowd control capabilities, Deep Freeze is a powerful gem that will make your Cold-based skills even more effective in dealing with threats.

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